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Everything on our website in alphabetical order.

Abbreviations and Terminology

Annual request for information a template letter to use when the LA ask for information/report

Benefit Entitlement

Blog posts

Child Benefit and Home Education

Child Led Learning – Freedom to lead their own way A style of home education

Contact less than a year since the last a template letter to use when the LA ask for information less than a year since their last request.

Contact Us

Dealing with the Local Authority (England and Wales)

Dealing with the Local Authority Scotland

Deregister From Special School

Deregistering a Teenager to Home Educate

Deregistration From Mainstream Schools in England and Wales

Deregistration letter England and Wales

Deregistration Letter Special School

Deregistration everything you need to know before you deregister.

Deschooling a period of time taken to settle in to home educating.

Exams and College Access

Failure to Deregister England a template letter.

Failure to deregister Wales a template letter.

Find Your Local Group

Flexischool FAQ

Flexischooling in the UK

Flow Chart – What to expect from the LA the process and procedures the LA should be following.

Getting started with Home Education

Home Ed Camps

Home Ed legalities England

Home Educated for more than 2 months a template letter to use when the LA ask for information.

Home Educating an adopted child

Home Ed working single mum

Home Educating in Wales

Home Education Blogs

Home Education FAQ

Home Education: what to do first and where to start

How flexischooling works

Methods of Home Education lots of information about styles of home education.

New Home Educators a template letter to use when you are new to home education and the LA are asking for information.


Post 16 – Benefits, carrying on home ed, starting home ed, exams and more.

Print out for professionals a helpful document informing professionals about what home education is and isn’t.

Provisions and resources (report) a template report to use as a base for your own report, this page also includes a guide on how to write a report.

Report writing – a comprehensive guide on how to write a provision and resource report.

Resources for Home Educators Links and ideas for educational resources

Response to LA communication – England information and templates for responding to the LA in England.

Response to LA communication Wales infformation and templates for responding to the LA in Wales.

SAR Subject Access Request how to request a copy of your file or personal details stored by organisations.

Scotland Home Education plan ideas a guide to write your home education plan ideas when deregistering/withdrawing your child from a Scottish school.

Scottish withdrawal letter a template letter.

SEN and Home Education

Social Services (Information About)

Structured or not? information about styles of home education.

Structured or semi structured information about styles of home education.

Styles of Home Education

Tax Credits and Home Education

Teenagers – how to approach educating a teen.

Template Letters and Reports all of our templates in one place.

Universal Credits and Home Education

Unschooling and autonomous Home Education styles of home education.

Useful Stuff

What to do if one parent doesn’t agree to Home Education

Withdrawing a child from a Scottish school

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