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Everything you could ever need to know about Home Educating in Scotland

Educational Freedom’s Home Education FAQ:

Home Education can be whatever you want it to be; completely child-led or fully structured, or somewhere in-between. Read more about Home Ed styles.
There is no curriculum to follow – unless you want to.

There is no-one to tell you how to do it, it’s up to you how it works. But there’s lots of support from within the Home Education community.

There is no right and wrong way as long as you are ensuring your child receives an education suitable to their age, ability and aptitude; as well as catering for any special needs.

REMEMBER you are legally responsible for the education, that includes all of the costs. Schools and Local Authority give no support, financial or otherwise.

The best thing to do is to give all of our website a good read first. We are sad we have to say this, but do not take your Local Authority information (on their website, on paper or in person) as being correct. Unfortunately many LAs still claim Home Education is neglectful, socially isolates the child, or they make claims that the education has to be structured etc. Read our website, and the EHE guidance yourself, so you know what information is accurate.

Then talk to others in a similar position by joining our Facebook group and your local group.

We explain them all HERE

There is no definitive answer, here.

Home Education can cost as much or little as you want it to.

Museums are often free, Google and YouTube are every Home Educator’s friend, books can be found second hand or in libraries etc. The other extreme would be a costly curriculum – these come with everything you would need to study. Before buying one we recommend asking others for their thoughts.

Facebook is a good place to chat to other Home Educators, and to find out details of local social meets.

The cost is down to your individual circumstances and your child’s needs.
Many venues and websites now offer a Home Ed discount, and you can always join our Facebook Resources Group for specific resource ideas.

We suggest families do not spend money on subscriptions or excessive amounts of resources until they have settled in to Home Educating, otherwise you may find you wasted money.

You DON’T have to: (unless you want to)

  • follow the National Curriculum, or any bought curriculum

  • adhere to school times or terms

  • do lessons

  • plan ahead or have a timetable

  • sit all day at the table/do workbooks

  • need a ‘school’ room

  • have lots of money

  • be a teacher or have qualifications


  • be autonomous, semi-structured, structured (or any mix of these)

  • take time to get school out of your system as a family and try out different methods and styles of Home Education (sometimes known as “deschooling“, but do NOT use this term with the LA)

  • follow your child’s interests

  • play and have fun

  • go out

  • learn together

Remember Scottish LAs have no duty to monitor or assess the provision, make sure you give our Dealing With Scottish LAs section a good read.

Nothing to start with, and we strongly recommend you don’t spend huge amounts on anything for a couple of months.

As long as you have paper, pens, pencils, computer access and a library card you will be fine.

As you figure out your child’s interests and style of learning you can buy, rent, or borrow resources and purchase the necessary materials.

These could then include scientific equipment and experiments, art and craft materials, calculators, workbooks, subscriptions, sports equipment etc. Remember most toys have learning value, especially things like Lego for use in maths.

There are no rules on how many hours or days your child should be learning, the only thing to consider is that the education needs to be full-time. There is currently no definition of what full-time is.

Remember, education does not have to mean school hours, or sit-to-the-table formal work. Consider the school day – by the time you’ve taken off break and lunch time, assembly, moving through the school to different areas, putting on/taking off coats, getting changed for PE and back again and so on, the actual time spent in lessons is considerably shorter than the school day. Then take off time spent by the class teacher on the questions and pastoral issues of up to 30 children in the class, and you can see how little time is dedicated to the education of each individual child.

Now compare that to a day in the life of a Home Educated child. For example, whilst eating breakfast the child could be asking questions and discussing something with their parent(s) and siblings, or reading. They could be watching a documentary after that, or maybe they do some worksheets for half an hour, then water the garden and discuss nature with their parent(s), which evolves into online research into bird habitats, and then a walk to the woods to spot birds and have a picnic. It’s only lunchtime and they have probably covered more in a morning than a full day in school.

Older children naturally have differing waking hours to younger children, it is ok if your teen doesn’t get out of bed until lunch, or is working on maths equations at 3am. Whatever works for your child is perfectly acceptable as long as you are sure the education suits the child’s age, ability, aptitude and ASN

Home Education doesn’t stop and start, it is continuous.

In a nutshell, probably not!

Yes there are families that live in remote areas and have to make a substantial effort for their child to see other kids, but it can be done. There is usually a social group not very far away. Look on Facebook using the term Home Education followed by your town, area or county.

Children don’t socialise in school, at least not in a way that is natural to them. They are forced into a classroom with 30 other kids the same age, play-time is limited to a few age groups and very little ‘equipment’ to choose from. Home Ed kids get to do what adults do – they choose who and when and where. Yes it means the parents organising play meets (depending on the age of the child), but the time they spend with friends is much more natural.

Home Ed kids can have friends of all ages and abilities: from the toddler next door, to the old lady over the road and the nice man in the grocers, local school kids as well as other Home Ed kids.

Home Ed kids get more opportunity to build real friendships. Sometimes they may go a few days or even a week or so without seeing any other kids, but when they do it’s quality time with their friends. Sometimes you might have to make a conscious effort to actually have a quiet day at home, because there is so much to do. Just as with education, there is no defined right amount of social interaction – every child is different! One child’s “quiet week” is another’s “far too much”. It’s important to remember that some children can not cope being around other children, and that is ok – ensure they have the option to if they want to.

There are Home Ed meetings and outings, as well as ‘after school’ clubs that your child can join just as they would if they were in school. (Dance classes, St John’s Ambulance, gymnastics, Young Farmers…the list is endless!) There are a few ways to find local families: there is likely to be a Facebook group for your LA area/county, there may also be one on Yahoo Groups. Please have a look at our MAP to see if there’s a known group near you. If one isn’t listed, don’t despair – there probably is one, just have a look on Facebook or ask in a national group.

No, you don’t have to meet them. You are not legally required to have visits, let them meet your child or provide evidence/copies of work. Our Dealing with Scottish LAs section explains more.

You should ALWAYS respond to their letters and never ignore their correspondence.

Some Local Authorities claim they have a duty to monitor or actively check for safeguarding issues. They have neither duty. Once you withdraw, or don’t send them to school at age 5, the child’s education is solely the responsibility of the parent.

Yes they can.

It is the parent’s responsibility to find an exam centre that accepts external candidates and to pay the fee

There is also the option for Home Educated children aged 14-16 to go to college.

See our dedicated Exams and college access page for more information.

Terms and abbreviations like EHE, EWO, SAO and more, can make your Home Education journey seem complicated, we aim to explain them all HERE.

We suggest reading our dedicated page.

Please read our dedicated pages to SEN/ASN/ALN and Home Education

If your child has never been registered at a school and they are now of “compulsory education age’ it doesn’t mean you have to suddenly teach them, haven’t they been learning up until now? So keep going and evolve naturally.

If your child has never been registered in a school then there is no requirement on you to inform the LA that you Home Educate at any age. There is no benefit to telling them.

Don’t worry if you become known. The LA will make contact asking for details of the child’s education, they may want confirmation that your child isn’t CME (child missing education). In this case you just need to confirm that you are Home Educating.

People become known if someone informs the LA such as a GP, Sure Start, a hospital etc. This is often done because that person thinks they have a duty to inform the LA, some do it because they have no understanding of Home Education.

If your child was due to move to secondary school and you’ve changed your mind, then please make sure you inform the school and LA admissions that you no longer require the place. You do not have to tell them you will be Home Educating. Though they may ask how your child will be educated, at which point we suggest it best to tell them you’re Home Educating (it prevents your children being considered as CME).

If your child is starting Home Education after finishing primary school and you are not applying for a secondary school place then you do not need to do anything. However, school is likely to keep pushing for information about where your child will be going, and wanting them to go on taster days. Informing school that you will be Home Educating risks them trying to change your mind, saying untruths to the child etc. They are also likely to inform the LA. You do not legally have to inform school that you will be Home Educating, but someone from the LA may make contact to ask, in that instance you will need to say Home Education.

If you’re moving house and your child is registered at a school, but will now be Home Educated, you need to let the school know you’ve left and no longer require the school place as you have moved home. Do this in writing. There is no need to state you’re now Home Educating or where you have moved to. You can ignore all future correspondence from the school.

If you currently Home Educate and are known to the LA then wait until you move and then send a letter (post in a post box in your old LA area the day you leave (prevents the postmark being used to trace you), email is ok though expect many emails demanding and threatening to know where you are), stating you have now moved out of the area, do not say where to. There is no requirement to tell them where, and no requirement to inform the new LA. This may seem extreme, but until LAs all act within the law, it is worth trying to stay off their radar whilst you can.

Don’t worry if you become known. The LA will make contact asking for details of the child’s education, they may want confirmation that your child isn’t CME (child missing education). In this case you just need to confirm that you are Home Educating.

People become known if someone informs the LA such as a GP, Sure Start, a hospital etc. This is often done because that person thinks they have a duty to inform the LA, some do it because they have no understanding of Home Education.

Read our dedicated section on Dealing with the Local Authority Scotland

Sort of, if the LA ask about the provision it is always wise to respond, at most we would suggest 1-2 pages that includes your philosophy, list of resources and a little bit about what your child has been learning, in Scotland you are not expected to give much info and after the first request you should only need to update the resources list for future enquiries.

No absolutely not, if the LA get pushy then reach out to us. Contact us

See our dedicated page for Scotland advice.

Educational Freedom primarily focuses on advice for Home Educators in England, for further information about Scotland you could contact Home Education Scotland. (we are not affiliated with the Home Education Scotland organisation and can not guarantee accuracy of their content.)

The new 2025 guidelines have, unfortunately, removed the handy flowchart detailing the consent process, making the process a little less clear-cut. The LA may talk to the school before granting consent, but the school’s input would only delay consent if there are specific child protection concerns which should have been raised by the school prior to your request to home educate. Although it is “strongly” recommended in the new guidelines that families have “conversations” with the LA regarding their intent to home educate, they also acknowledge that it is not compulsory to do so. It is still your right to insist on written communication and the LA cannot unreasonably withhold consent.

Families that withdraw children from school often find that the child, and the parent, stay in “school mode” for quite a while. Often if a child has been bullied, or didn’t enjoy school, the thought of anything that resembles school can be upsetting. Taking time to deschool can mean having a chance to find a new way of learning. However, it is important to never mention the term deschooling to the LA.

Deschooling often happens for about a month for every year the child was in school, some children need less, some may need more. In that time it doesn’t mean an education isn’t being provided, it means you don’t have to jump right in to a style. You don’t have to sit them to the table on day one, you could spend some time going to the park or beach, wandering around museums, meeting friends, baking etc. You will find that you will pick up on how your child learns best in this time, time that you have been actively avoiding school type thinking.

Some children and parents will choose not to deschool at all, and that is ok, each family should do what is best for them.

It is all too often that the parents need time to deschool more than the child!

It’s important to note that we have noticed, often when a family hasn’t deschooled they run into difficulties a few months in. They find the child is refusing to engage, is getting angry that the parent is trying to be teacher etc. these families usually then have to deschool and ‘reset’, many being annoyed they didn’t deschool to start with.

See our dedicated DESCHOOLING page for more information.

The 2025 guidelines clearly mention that home education “itself is not a ground for child protection concerns” (sections 3.8 and 5.3).

If the school have had genuine child protection concerns prior to your requesting consent to withdraw, these should be on record and will be considered by the LA as part of the withdrawal process as standard.

Child protection is the main reason consent to withdraw may be delayed or refused, and the specifics have been expanded (Sections 3.21/3.22). Consent can still be granted, but it may require a multi-agency meeting to discuss the request.

If you are in the unfortunate position that SS have been called by the school, remember that often social workers are ignorant to the facts rather than malicious. Take time to explain Home Education, you could remind the social worker that school had no concerns pre withdrawal to Home Educate and their referral is malicious.

If your child has never attended a school, and you intend to Home Educate, there is no legal requirement for you to complete any school place application forms your LA may send you. You are perfectly entitled to ignore them.

The form may attempt to get you to inform them that you will be Home Educating, but you do not legally have to tell them if it is just a school application form . There is no benefit to telling them, especially as there is no support, funding or advise available from the LA EHE team.

If the LA doesn’t know about you, you are considered unknown or off the radar. It’s a good place to be, no annual (or quarterly) attempts to illegally monitor you.

If someone from the LA contacts you (and your child is over compulsory school age (term after their fifth birthday)) asking how your child is educated, then you will need to inform them that your child is Home Educated, this avoids the LA listing your child as CME.

Home Education is a legal option; welfare officers, truancy patrol (or whatever name they choose to give themselves) and the police should know this. If you are stopped by an LA worker or a security guard just explain that you Home Educate, this should be adequate to be allowed on your way. Be aware that you are not obliged to share your details.

If you are unknown to the LA then definitely don’t give your details (you are not legally obliged to share any information with an EWO). You will become known to the LA if you do.

If a police officer asks, then we advise giving your details, but specify that they are not to be shared with the EWO.

You can order an Educational Freedom card for yourself, and one for each child. They can boost yours and your child’s confidence in situations where you may be stopped, but they are not a necessity.

Yes you can. And you may be able to claim some of the costs back if you are working. However, you, the parent are still legally responsible for ensuring your child is receiving a suitable full-time education (there is no legal definition of full-time, it does not mean school hours) for children of compulsory school age (term after the 5th birthday).

The childminder is allowed to provide support for ‘homework’ type learning, or other agreed upon learning, but the parent is legally responsible for the suitability of that education, so you will need to have regular communication with the childminder to ensure you are satisfied with what and how your child is learning.

A childminder is not likely to agree to providing extensive hours of educational support and should not be used as the primary educator.

Yes you can, but you have to consider the allowed child to minder ratios. Also you will need to consider that your child will need to receive a full-time education, so you will need to be sure you can do both.

Yes you can, but if you are claiming JSA or Universal Credits you are still expected to be looking for, and be available for work. Home Educating does not exempt you from this, although you are not expected to take a job if you can not find appropriate child care. The Job Centre should not advise you to use school as a child care option.

You can now claim for children post 16 who are new to Home Education, if they have special needs.

See our other dedicated benefits pages Tax Credits Universal Credits Child Benefit

Yes, many parents find that being self-employed works brilliantly with Home Educating, others manage to work and schedule shared parenting/childcare.
Don’t forget Home Ed doesn’t have to be 9-3.30.


The 2025 Scottish guidelines have clarified this situation as follows:

Divergent views between parents

2.20 Where there is disagreement between separated parents about a child's education, it will be primarily for parents to find agreement where that is possible in the circumstances. It is not for the local authority to try and resolve such disputes. The local authority may wish to remind both parents that their prime consideration should be the welfare of their child. It is generally better for the child that both parents are involved in the child’s life but there may be cases, such as when one parent has displayed violent or abusive behaviour, where this is not the position. The authority may also wish to signpost to mediation. However, mediation may not be appropriate when there has been domestic abuse, coercive behaviour, sexual violence or gender based violence. For more information please visit Striving for a safer Scotland. Ultimately, if separated parents are unable to agree on how their children should be brought up and educated, they may need to go to the civil courts although parents should be aware that this can be lengthy, expensive and stressful.”

Read this for our tips on how to navigate the situation when one of the parent's doesn't agree with home education

Your child is entitled to the same medical care a schooled child can access. You can do this through your GP or school nurse (they are assigned to all children in an area, rather than just a school).
You can ask your GP surgery to regain care of your school age child from the school nurse team, though in most areas, the school nurse deals with vaccinations and referrals.

You can certainly make a request to, though it’s advisable you read our flexi pages. You would need the LA to consent to a flexischool agreement.

We have written our website in small bitesize chunks, take your time and read a little each time. We also have our popular Facebook Group.

If you turn 16 between 1 March and 30 September you can leave school/education after 31 May of that year.

If you turn 16 between 1 October and the end of February you can leave at the start of the Christmas holidays in that school year.

Post 16 to 18 the government recommends they should be in full time education, training or work, however this is not enforceable beyond most 16-18 year olds not being able to claim out of work benefits in their own right.

It should be noted that the 2025 guidelines have been updated to include the fact that consent to withdraw is not required if the child is not yet of school age. Clarification is being sought on how this affects children who turn 5 after the August school commencement date.

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