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Deregistration Letter Template for England

Everything you need to know are in the above sections, please read them and the rest of our site before deregistering.

And if you want to be further informed you can read the EHE government guidance.


Your Name
And Address


School Name
School Address

Dear [Head’s name]

Re – Name of child . Date of birth.

It is after very careful consideration and discussion that we have now decided to take full responsibility for providing for our son/daughter’s education by Home Educating them in accordance with section 7 of the 1996 Education Act.

We therefore instruct school to delete [child’s name] from the school register with immediate effect, in accordance with Regulation 8(1)(d) of the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006.

We will ensure that our son/daughter is provided with an efficient full-time education suitable to his/her age, ability, aptitude and to any special educational needs.

We are aware that the government currently recommends schools offer a meeting/discussion to those considering home education, however we are not considering it, we are now choosing to home educate, we have already sought advice from Educational Freedom, therefore a meeting with you is not necessary. The deregistration should be actioned with immediate effect. 

Yours sincerely

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