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Writing a provision and resource report ENGLAND and WALES

BEFORE writing a report check HERE if you are in ENGLAND or HERE if you are in Wales to ensure you fully understand your legal duty and that of the LA. Unfortunately communication from LAs is not always honest.

It is VITAL that you read the letter or email from the LA and respond accordingly. NEVER ignore communication.

REMEMBER in England you NEVER have to accept a visit or a phone call. Please read through the rest of our site and the relevant EHE guidance to protect your rights.

You only ever need to provide information about the provision if the LA have specifically asked for a form to be filled in or for a report, see our template letters section if you are unsure on how to reply. Annually is an average timescale for requests for info. You should not send info unless it was asked for (even if it has been a year since you heard from the LA).

Below is our extensive guide to writing a provision and resource report, it includes a template layout guide. It is suitable for initial reports and progress reports (amend accordingly).


2-3 pages for initial info

1-2 pages for annual updates as the LA should be keeping communication brief, therefore not demanding reams of info.

DO NOT OVERTHINK IT, our guide talks you through what to include and what not to include.

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