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To be used in conjunction with our Scottish consent to withdraw letter.

This Scotland Home Education plan ideas list will give you some ideas as to what you should include when asking for consent for your child’s name to be withdrawn from the school roll.

The Education (Scotland) Act 1980 Section 37 requires that Local Authorities be satisfied that an efficient and suitable education is being provided. Section 4.6 of the 2025 guidelines states “It is recommended that a conversation takes place, at a mutually agreed location or via a digital medium; however, relevant information may also be provided through other means, e.g. the submission by the parent/carer and child of written, recorded or electronic material. Authorities should not be prescriptive about the format in which information can be submitted. The important factor is whether the information can demonstrate that suitable and efficient education is being provided.” Educational Freedom recommend submitting all information in writing. The guidelines confirm that a conversation is NOT compulsory.

You can read our joke template letters HERE as an example of how to write them. 

What is a suitable and efficient education?

When considering your initial request for consent to withdraw, the LA are instructed to look for the following points (Section 3.13)

  • how the child's education will help to prepare them for life in modern society and achieve their full potential;

  • how to ensure that the views of the child are heard, should the child wish to provide them, including the views of the child on the decision to home educate;

  • the approach to how the child will be home educated;

  • how the education provided will take into account and support the child's individual needs, learning strategies, attitudes and aspirations;

  • the kinds of resources and materials the child will have access to;

  • how the child will have opportunities to interact with other children and adults;

  • Information on physical activity;

  • how the child will be involved in a broad spectrum of activities and be stimulated by their learning experiences;

LAs are also expecting evidence of (Section 6.6):

  • Consistent involvement of parents/carers or other significant carers;

  • Presence of a philosophy or ethos (not necessarily a recognised philosophy), with parents/carers showing commitment, enthusiasm, and recognition of the child's needs, attitudes and aspirations;

  • The opportunity for the child to be stimulated by their learning experiences;

  • Involvement in a broad spectrum of activities appropriate to the child's stage of development;

  • Access to appropriate resources and materials;

  • The opportunity for an appropriate level of physical activity;

  • The opportunity to interact with other children and adults.

Finally, the LA are instructed to consider these four “capacities deemed fundamental to being a citizen of 21st century Scotland. These are becoming a successful learner; confident individual; effective contributor; and responsible citizen” (Section 6.7).

Your initial and subsequent educational provisions therefore need to contain information covering each of these points, although the guidelines confirm “it should be taken into consideration that in these early stages, a parent/carer’s proposals may not be detailed, and they may not yet be in a position to respond fully to all of the information requested”. You will be able to use your initial provision as a guide for providing subsequent updates. In Scotland, unlike England and Wales, it is NOT a legal requirement to explain progress made over the year. An updated educational provision is just that – a chance to update the resources and style of learning as your home education journey progresses.

Initial and Subsequent Educational Provision Guide

  1. Your Educational Philosophy

Describe why you think Home Education is right for your child.
Explain what you hope your child will achieve from being Home Educated and how it will help them achieve their full potential. It can be useful to tie in some of the principles from the Curriculum for Excellence e.g. becoming a confident individual, engaging in their learning. This part can be as simple as ‘X will thrive with freedom to explore their interests’ (please remember to use your own words).

An educational philosophy explains your beliefs around Home Education, and should be respected by the LA when considering the suitability of your provision. On its own it is not adequate information; you need to continue on with a provision and resource report. The term educational philosophy is sometimes mistaken to mean a report.

  1. Your Home Education Style

Provide details of the style of Home Education you will follow. Such as child led/autonomous, semi structured, fully structured etc. Explain what this means for your family (as it will be different for everyone). You will find explanations and descriptions of different styles of Home Ed HERE. Ensure consistent involvement of parents/significant carers is highlighted.

Explain why you have chosen this style and why it is right for the child/family, and how you make sure the child’s voice and views are heard. You might include any ASN (Additional Support Need) requirements here e.g. ‘X is autistic with a PDA profile and therefore must follow an autonomous approach to learning to thrive’.

Make a reference to the education being full time; this doesn’t have to be school hours or terms. Use examples such as doing formal work in a morning and child led topics in an afternoon, or that your child takes part in a range of educational activities throughout the week (use your own suitable examples). Do not state how many hours or days education takes place over.

  1. Resources

Include a general list of resources the child has access to such as details about:
Books (include workbooks as well as fiction/non fiction)
Internet (learning sites and fun)
Art supplies
Musical instruments
Science equipment
Sporting equipment

The list should not be overly involved – you do not need to list every single textbook, documentary or piece of equipment used/expected to be used. A broad overview to cover literacy, numeracy, physical activity and a variety of topics/interests applicable to each child is sufficient.

Give some examples to highlight the resources are appropriate to their stage of development, such as ‘x has been reading the Biff and Chip level 3 books’, ‘X uses a Nat 4 maths workbook’, ‘X does science experiments with a chemistry kit suitable for ages 10+’, ‘X has been exploring the night sky with his telescope’ etc.

  1. Activities

Examples include baking, DIY, building Lego, gardening, board games, Brownies, Forest school etc. Use your own examples of activities offered to your child. For example ‘X has the choice of attending a weekly Home Education group where they mix with children and adults of all ages’ or ‘X has a couple of close friends who he regularly spends time with, playing games or riding bikes’. You must ensure you cover a broad range of activities appropriate to the child’s stage of development, although if their activities are limited due to aptitudes, abilities or additional support needs, this can be explained here. Eg ‘When given a choice of activities, X prefers to focus on practicing the piano as this is a passion in their life and they show great aptitude for it.’

Explain how your child takes part in an appropriate level of physical activity, such as sports, nature walks, physiotherapy etc.

Explain how your child is offered the opportunity to interact with other children and adults. Remember not all children need or want to go to groups or have lots of friends. You shouldn’t say anything negative here, instead describe what they do in a positive light. Such as ‘X enjoys chatting to their friends online and has started ordering their own food when we visit a local cafe.’
DO NOT give details of specific friends, groups, tutors etc. The LA have no right to this information and may use it as a means of monitoring home educating families.

  1. Disclaimer and Concluding Statements

You should always include a sentence such as “The provision is subject to change at any time as X’s needs change”.

  1. Additional Advice when writing a provision (initial or subsequent)

You can briefly mention how you will review progress, but you do not legally have to detail progress made since the previous communication. The guidelines acknowledge that long-term progress can take many forms and happen over different timelines.

You can include a short statement from your child if they wish on how home education stimulates them, particular topics they have enjoyed or any other statement they would like included.

You should not include any samples of work carried out by your child as this discriminates against families who, for whatever reason, cannot produce written work. Examples (eg X enjoys using LCB workbooks) are more than sufficient to satisfy.

Your report does not need to be more than an A4 typed page or two.

You should not make any reference to school and prior experience in school as this can be construed as holding a grudge and being unable to separate school from Home Ed.

You do not need to use school terminology or refer to any curriculum or assessments.

You do not need to mention your own qualifications or experience. If you are a former teacher, some LA’s can expect you to recreate school at home, or conversely decide that your former career may cause you to not be flexible enough.

Don’t include a timetable, even if you follow one. It is not necessary and may prove problematic if you then switch to a less structured approach for whatever reason.

It is best not to say if you are temporarily home educating or considering school in the future. LA’s may use this as evidence the education is unsuitable due to not being committed.

Do not specify future plans unless they are definitely happening. If you fail to do something then it can be taken as evidence of an inefficient education.

Keep communication in writing.

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