updated 20/5/23 to reflect new EHE guidance for Wales
For info and a template letter for deregistering click HERE Deregistration Wales
Use your judgement on how to respond, only use the relevant parts of the below template.
Dear EHE,
In response to your communication asking to meet myself and my child, I wish to decline the invite. I appreciate the new EHE guidance suggests LAs could ask for a meeting with the parent and the child, however it also states ‘4.21…Parents and Gillick competent children are not, however, obliged to meet with the local authority and are free to decline a meeting if they so wish.’ Therefore both my child and I choose not to meet you at this time.
I would also like to take this opportunity to make you aware that Home Educators and Home Education organisations are in the process of seeking legal advice as to the legal legitimacy of the EHE guidance. There are many doubts surrounding various sections of the guidance and we hope you will respect that families at this time wish to wait for that legal advice before proceeding with the implementation of the guidance.
I am sure you are aware of the considerable commitment of time a parent gives to Home Educating, as well as working and being a parent, therefore you will understand that I do not have the time availability to meet you. In lieu of meeting I have provided the following information about the home education provision which includes lots of examples of learning. INCLUDE A REPORT
We have chosen to Home Educate because (ONLY POSITIVE REASONS SUCH AS THE FLEXIBILITY) and follow a structured/semi structured/child led style (ADD/DELETE YOUR OWN STYLE INFO).
As we only started Home Education recently we obviously have limited information to give, but we are fully aware of our legal duty to provide an education suitable to age, ability, aptitude and SEN/ALN. We expect the included provision and resource report to be adequate to satisfy your enquiries.
As we are established home educators and you have had no previous concerns about the provision we expect you will continue to be satisfied that X is not missing education and that the education continues to be suitable to age, ability, aptitude and any SEN/ALN.
Yours Sincerely
Dear EHE
Would you please provide me a copy of your DBS certificate.
Plus information about your qualifications and specific training that makes you an appropriate person to discuss my child’s Home Education provision, also include any specialist training or qualifications relevant to DYSLEXIA/AUTISM ETC DELETE/ADD ANY RELEVENT SEN YOUR CHILD HAS THAT THE LA ALREADY ARE AWARE OF.
Please provide a list of questions you will be asking in the meeting and details of who will be attending.
Please respond at least 10 days before the meeting date.
Could you also confirm that you are in receipt of the provision and resource report we have sent.
Please note I will be recording the meeting and have a friend/advocate present.
Yours sincerely
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