Your name
School Name
CC Local Authority Name
Dear Headteacher
Re – Child’s name – date of birth
We are writing as the parents of the above named child, they are a registered pupil at name Special School.
It is after very careful consideration and discussions that we have now decided to take full responsibility for providing for our son/daughter’s education by Home Educating them in accordance with section 7 of the 1996 Education Act and the 2023 EHE guidance.
We therefore ask that the Local Authority allow child’s name to be deleted from the school register, in accordance with Regulation 8(2) of the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations Wales 2010. We will ensure that our son/daughter is provided with an efficient full-time education suitable to his/her age, ability, aptitude and to his/her special educational needs.
His/her needs include xx and yy. We aim to meet these needs by xx and yy. (Write a couple of paragraphs about how you will meet their SEN, you can refer to the EHCP. The LA need to be satisfied that you will provide for them, or that the services involved still need to be involved such as SALT).
We are choosing Home Education because (give a positive reason for choosing Home Education).
We look forward to your timely response with confirmation that his/her name is now removed from the school roll.
Yours sincerely
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