Home Education Cards: durable, plastic ‘credit-card’ sized cards.
Price includes p&p.
This card says that you are Home Educated on one side, and has a quote of the law on the other, with the relevant bit of guidance from your part of the UK.
The Family Card has a space for you to write your family name. The Young Person’s Card has a space to write a parent/guardian’s phone number.
This card is great when your children are out and about and get asked why they are not in school, as it includes the relevant regulations and tells the person to pass the card back and allow the child on their way. A brilliant option for older children who are nervous about being stopped whilst away from adults.
Allow up to two weeks for delivery.
Home Education Cards: made from recycled plastic, a ‘credit-card’ sized card to fit neatly in a wallet, pocket or mobile phone.
Price includes p&p.
This card says that you are Home Educated on one side, and has a quote other explaining you are allowed to be out of the house during school hours.
The Young Person’s Card has a space to write a parent/guardian’s phone number.
This card is great when your children are out and about and get asked why they are not in school, as it includes the relevant regulations and tells the person to pass the card back and allow the child on their way. A brilliant option for older children who are nervous about being stopped whilst away from adults.
Allow up to two weeks for delivery.
Educational Freedom is and always will be free to receive support, every penny profit from card sales goes towards the running costs of the organisation.
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