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Prison (up to 51 weeks) and fines (up to £2500).

Is prison and / or a fine proportionate

As a home educating parent who is ensuring their child receives a full-time efficient education suitable to the child’s age, ability, aptitude and SEN. If I did not comply with the proposed children not in school register what is the worst consequence? I searched the Children’s Unhappiness Bill (as nicknamed by me) but known by the Government and officially as the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill . I could find myself subject to in a worst case scenario 51 weeks prison and a level 4 fine. So I checked what a level 4 fine looks like £2500.

That is if I “forgot” to run the defence that my child is in receipt of a fulltime efficient education suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and SEN. However, successfully running the defence I appear to be not guilty, but can immediately be reprosecuted with no new crime.

There are opportunities in the preliminary notice stage and SAO stage for a parent to simply comply. But no stage seems to allow the opportunity for the home educated child’s voice to be heard. The home educated child who has their own personal data rights. The home educated child who may not want their details and details of their extended family and family friends and groups on the register. In this situation when a parent is respecting their child’s voice. The child is receiving their education. Then is up to 51 weeks in prison and / or a fine up to £2500 a proportionate response to the crime of not giving out some information to be put on a register.

In true home education style my child has taken this as a topic to research. They have titled it “What crime’s do the government think are less serious than putting my personal stuff on a register”.

Michelle Zaher 31/12/24

Educational Freedom

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