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Welcome to Educational Freedom – Home Education information and support service.

THE place for all things Home Education.

Educational Freedom is a non-profit organisation providing Home Education information and support. Our primary purpose is ensuring all Home Educators have access to FREE information and support. We aim to provide everything you could ever need to know about Home Education.

A great way of ensuring your Home Education journey goes smoothly is to read all of this website. The menu at the top will help you navigate each section.

On each page of our website you will find a video with the audio of that page. (This is a new feature so give us some time to create them all and add them).

Home Education and where to start.

Making the decision to Home Educate can be daunting. But be assured that there is plenty of support out there! There are lots of families that have been in your situation, and we have supported tens of thousands of them.

Read through our website to learn all about Home Education. Use the menu to navigate through all of our pages especially the WHAT TO DO FIRST page for your country.

Home Ed news, updates and blog posts.

Make sure to also look through our menu for the rest of the site.

Here’s a sneak peak at our FB page feed where we share factual info as well as fun memes. Drop us a like, a follow and come chat to other Home Educators.

Shocking data indicates some LAs are misusing their powers, are you in one of these LAs> Please read this short article and get in touch if you've been served an SAO or s437(1) in the last year or so.


This week we'll be sharing with you some of the most common myths with home education and the also the actual truth! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate


As we move into autumn on our first year out of the school system, we are overwhelmed with the opportunities we have to enjoy this time of year rather than dread the dark school runs and long evenings battling homework when it feels like bedtime. Does the change of seasons affect your home education as it is ours? What new joys are you finding without the constraints of school? To read the full blog visit www.educationalfreedom.org.uk/changing-seasons-changing-opportunities #autumn #homeeducation #educationalfreedom #seasons


Terminology Matters! We cannot stress this enough. If you think we're being weird when we start correcting you this is why!


Did you know there’s no legal definition on how many hours a full time home education should be? Most home educators will tell you that learning is happening during every waking hour and most of it isn’t done with a workbook sat to the table. Check out Home Education Day to Day on our website - https://educationalfreedom.org.uk/ Reading a book in bed before starting the day. Discussions about the vikings whilst you eat breakfast. Discussing wildlife and seasonal changes whilst walking the dog. Chatting about area and circumference whilst mowing the lawn. Learning times tables bouncing on the trampoline. Learning algebraic quadratic equations via a YouTube creator. Watching livestreams of nature reserves or NASA. Those who choose GCSEs can often cover the whole syllabus in a few months having no prior formal school type education. Anything is possible with home education!


The minute my child switches off from learning and understanding a subject we swap to something different and re-approach it later in a different way. Do you follow your child's interests to help facilitate their learning? I have learnt so much more home edding than I did at school! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #homeedplanning #homeeducate #learningfromhome


As home educators you are responsible for the education, part of that is being able to liaise with the LA, our guide helps talk you through writing a report and that is all you should need* Not only is it step by step but we also now have examples of what the LA's need. Never pay to have your report checked and do not rely on report checking as a guarantee of acceptance despite what some groups tell you. *if you have a disability or reason to struggle to understand the guide then of course ask us for help


Today we explored the local RSPB brooks and noticed how alive it is with song birds and so many other gorgeous birds. So we went home, looked them up, researched about them online and then created some superb bird treats to hang in the garden. We used Gardeners World but used egg cartons rather than yoghurt pots https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/diy/how-to-make-fat-cakes-for-birds/ What have you all been learning this week?

As you know we love learning around an interest and at the moment its the fabulous Lord of the Rings and Tolkiens world. With that not only are we studying the books and films and biography but we're also deep diving into cartography, learning to reading, and designing maps! With it we are incorporating (if you follow the NC we dont and you dont need to either) KS4 geography, English Lit & Lang, drama, history, PE, com sci, D&T, Art etc and a WHOLEEE load more) Do you all do this too? And what are you all learning about the moment? (PS also just how fab is this map someone created?) #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #learningfromhome #homeedplanning #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife #homeedideas #homeedLA #homeeducationadventure #homelearning #learningathome


While we appreciate some of you have lovely meetings with the LA this is NOT the same for every person, its often not the same for a family within your area. This is why we recommend to keep everything in writing - to protect you! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationlife


Would you like your home education story to be shared in our newsletter and blog? Send us a message.


I was recently asked how animal welfare features in our home education. Once I had given it some thought I was quite taken aback with just how fundamental it is to both our overall philosophy and the learning of specific subjects and topics. We use nature for recreation, exercise, social time and mindfulness. I can engage the kids in most topics if it can be made relevant to animals or the environment. From rescuing cats to taking on neglected turtles, our daily home life revolves around the health and happiness of our mini zoo. And our holidays and weekends involve visiting nature reserves or taking long walks. Home education has increased our opportunity to teach the importance of the natural world, our impact upon it and our responsibility towards it. I would very much consider our education around this to be informal. We search information from google and youtube and use local resources to answer questions as they arise. And even my book averse daughter will happily pick up a field guide to identify her latest finding. My younger daughter is very keen to pursue a career in animal welfare and I hope to continue to nurture this pattern and provide the foundation for any more formal learning she may wish to aim towards. But otherwise we learn and explore with no structure or expectations. But this got me wondering how similar or different this is to other home educating families. Does nature naturally shape your daily lives, or do you make specific efforts to incorporate it within your existing lives? Do your kids have a natural passion and desire to make a positive change to the natural world or do you struggle to get them to see the connection between human behaviour and the future of the planet? What resources do you use and do you put any structure around this? Please share your tips and ideas for engaging your kids with the natural world. #naturalworld #animalwelfare #climatechange #homeeducation #environment


Yet school ask THEM questions, instead of developing a child's natural curiosity! I think we're on about question 87 today!!! What are your favourite home ed quotes?


PLEASE SHARE Are you dreading applying for a reception place for your child? Is your child in school and not happy? Do you feel your child could be learning more? Do you want to travel? Or just like the idea of not utilising school? Then home education is an option. School is not compulsory, a suitable education is, what that looks like is down to you and your child. Home education is rarely what people expect it to be, the kid can still access exams, make friends, go to college, get a job etc. you just get all the added extras of the child learning what interests them, in a way that suits them. Read the Educational Freedom website for more info.


Terminology matters! It can also be super confusing when you're new and people are throwing a ton of words at you! We have a brief selection here or if you head over to our blogs on our website we have even more!


A simple bit of info for new home educators. With a simple message. Home education is not school at home. And ‘professionals’ often are not giving correct advice. You’re in charge of your kids education, make sure you know all the facts. #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife #homeedLA #homeedideas


Hehe Which none academic skills so you think are important? #educationalfreedom #homeeducation #homeeducationuk


THIS IS A RECORDING OF A LIVE WE DID EARLIER What to include in a report for the LA


Make sure you join us at 1pm today, we will be discussing how to write a report/provide info about home education to the LA.


Live Q&A discussing what home educators should and shouldn’t be including in your reports and responses to LA informal enquiries. This will be held on our public page Saturday 12th (tomorrow) at 1pm. #ukhomeed #homeedplanning #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #educationalfreedom


"A full time education suited to their needs and abilities" But whats actually full time?! This is a question we're often asked and so we wrote a blog post about it - https://educationalfreedom.org.uk/what-does-full-time-home-education-mean/ #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducationrocks #homeeducate #homeeducationlife #homeedideas #homeedLA


Tough to read post. Home educators, do you bury your head in the sand when it comes to politics? It’s time to pull your head out and do something. You can not pretend everything is going to be ok, because it won’t without your input. Over the coming months we expect new EHE guidance and the children not in school register. Both will screw us over. The hard truth is we need everyone to step up and be heard. Your voice matters and will make a difference. Being indifferent, being scared to reply, forgetting to do it, will litererally erode home educators freedoms and rights. YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR PART. It’s a simple 2 part task that will make a massive impact on the future of home education. Task 1) email your MP ‘Dear MP, my name is x and I live at y. I home educate my children. I do this because of z. GIVE POSITIVE EXAMPLES OF HOW HOME ED WORKS FOR YOU. I am hoping I can ask you to support me and other home educators by not supporting the home education element of the children not in school register. Our children are in education and the LA have plenty of legal powers if concerns about the suitability of the education becomes known. A register will make us more prone to bad LA behaviour and will villainise us. GIVE EXAMPLES OF WHAT YOUR LA DOES BADLY. We are doing nothing wrong and should not be treated as criminals on a register. I wish to also ask that you do your part in the discussions around new EHE guidance, as you’ll read in this research (ATTACH THE LINK BELOW) LAs have more than enough powers, powers they misuse, allowing them to overstep in new guidance will leave many more families harassed and bullied. I appreciate your support and will be happy to answer any questions. ‘ You have to include your address so your MP knows you are local. They will not share it. Task 2) write to your EHE team (you can do this from an email address they don’t link to you/stay anonymous). ‘I am writing to ask if you have read this research? ADD LINK. Local groups have a POSITIVE/NEGATIVE (DELETE AS NECESSARY) of our LA, and I think it would be a positive move to read the research and use the information in it to improve the local home education service. ‘ IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOUR LA IS LIKE THEN COMMENT BELOW AND ONE OF THE TEAM WILL FIND OUT. The link to include https://educationalfreedom.org.uk/home-education-research-survey-data-analysis-and-review/ Or you can go to the link and download the PDF to include.


We were asked recently how play actually counts as learning. I couldn't think of a better way to explain this then by Legos wonderful breakdown (they also have some great games on their site: "Because child development is beautifully complex, we take a holistic view and highlight the importance of children’s emotional, cognitive, physical, social and creative skills and how these complement and interact with one another - • Emotional skills: Understand, manage and express emotions by building self-awareness and handling impulses, as well as staying motivated and confident in the face of difficulties. • Cognitive skills: Concentration, problem solving and flexible thinking by learning to tackle complex tasks and building effective strategies to identify solutions. • Physical skills: Being physically active, understanding movement and space through practicing sensory-motor skills, developing spatial understanding and nurturing an active and healthy body. • Social skills: Collaborate, communicate and understand other people’s perspectives through sharing ideas, negotiating rules and building empathy. • Creative skills: Coming up with ideas, expressing them and transforming them into reality by creating associations, symbolising and representing ideas and providing meaningful experiences for others"


We are seeing the two used interchangeably quite often lately. This explains why they're not. And remember, in the updated guidance released in 2019 it states that deschooling is not accepted, and that an education should be in place from day one; which sadly shows just how poorly the term is understood by the powers that be. So never use the word in your reports. You are allowed to "transition" and to "find your feet"...and yes, we know they're the same thing as deschooling, but that word is now a red flag to LAs #homeedmum #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeedplanning #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife #homeedideas #homeedLA #homeeducationadventure #homelearning #learningathome #EducationalFreedom


We are often asked for help with science aids - there seems to be less of those around so we have compiled a couple of lists over the week to help you! Last but not least is Days out - Please do share your favourite days out regardless of topic! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife #homeedideas


I've been reading lots of posts recently regarding sleep patterns of children and the many struggles to fit around the very rigid school day. It is well known that younger children often sleep and wake early whereas teenagers have a shift in their sleep pattern and find it difficult to fall asleep and equally difficult to wake up during their natural deep sleep period. I had not anticipated the impact of having more flexibility to follow natural patterns of sleepiness and alert times. Nor the difference this would make to engagement and retention of information. I'm curious as to what other people have experienced as a result of this. #educationalfreedom #sleep


We are often asked for help with science aids - there seems to be less of those around so we have compiled a couple of lists over the next couple of days to help you! Second up is Films - most of these can be found on Sky,Netflix, Disney or free on youtube - Please do share your favourite home ed films regardless of topic! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife #homeedideas




What does home ed mean to you? To me, it means giving my children the confidence to learn. They don't need to sit and do realms of paperwork every day, they need the confidence to want to learn. There's a million different ways to learn . If they want to learn, they will. My youngest figured out Pythagoras because she wanted to. She had the knowledge to research it and the confidence to try. My son told me space doesn't exist, it's something we create; and then proved his theory to me. Not necessarily a correct statement but the thinking he had behind it... Well, that was certainly out of the box thinking! Home ed isn't tick box learning, it's teaching a life long love of learning. Its letting kids think and develop ideas. Develop their passions and see where it takes them. We aren't tied to a desk, the whole world is ours 💕 Claire


We are often asked for help with science aids - there seems to be less of those around so we have compiled a couple of lists over the next couple of days to help you! First up is documentaries - most of these can be found on Netflix, Disney or free on youtube - Please do share your favourite home ed documentaries! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife #homeedideas


As home educators you are responsible for the education, part of that is being able to liaise with the LA, our guide helps talk you through writing a report and that is all you should need* Never pay to have your report checked and do not rely on report checking as a guarantee of acceptance despite what some groups tell you. *if you have a disability or reason to struggle to understand the guide then of course ask us for help. - Lucinda


An old post but still a perfect one! - Lucinda Geography, history, RE and art (it was a busy day 🤣) We accidently did geography the other day. Walking the dogs, and the kids asked how the rivers, mountains and valleys where made. Who put them there? Who measures them? Can you see them from space? We talked about all of that; and about map reading, map symbols, compasses, tectonic plates, molton larva and many other things. We talked about the coal mines and the history of our local area. What is hidden inside our mountains and the industrial revolution. When we got home we talked about the ways religion covers how the world was created. How different religions believe mountains and valleys came to be. Then the kids made their own mountains, valleys and rivers.... this is still on going and has taken over a bit 🤣 All that from taking the dogs out! Learning is everywhere, just look for it every day. You'll be surprised how much you and your kids learn. Claire


Hobbies - Adults!! We often have parents worrying about time for themselves when home educating and having a hobby is proven to make us happier and healthier! So what hobbies do you manage to sneak it around your kids and home educating? I bell ring & also love photography. My kids have watched me doing this and now join in and will quite happily wait patiently with me to get "that" shot! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #learningfromhome #homeeducate #mentalhealthday


Our co-founder had a lovely chat with Eleanor at Home Education Matters, discussing what to include in a 'report' and what not to include. To read the information we are talking about you can head to the Educational Freedom website, https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-i9ivv-16e9d5c


Today is International as a stupid question but no question ever is silly! If you have any questions or queries bubbling around do please ask them! We've all been there! #ukhomeed #homeeddad #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife


Is your child in year 6 and dreading secondary school? Are they panicking? Being bullied? Just not ready for it? There is an alternative, and that is home education. Before you jump to conclusions on what you think home education is, take some time to read this, and then read our website, we promise you it’s not what you think it is. And could be perfect for your child. Don’t forget to come and join us in our private group if you decide to home ed and want to be part of a community.


An old post but one I love so much!! Something I see quite a lot in the comments here and various groups is a misunderstanding of what unschooling involves, so I’m going to do my neurodivergent best to describe our unschooling life. It’ll be long! Unschooling is child-led, autonomous learning rather than the parent dictating lessons. *However*, that doesn’t mean you just leave your child alone with YouTube, Minecraft etc. You still need to be involved. When my 7 year old plays games or watches YouTube, I generally play alongside him or stay in the room watching as I do my work, read a book etc. I pay attention to what he’s engaging with, and figure out what sparks his joy. I then provide resources that I think will spark joy too. Eg Minecraft themed Lego. Playing together with that Lego might lead to conversations about biomes or animals, or a whole role play scenario that tells a unique story…in the old oral tradition rather than sitting uncomfortably at a desk with a pen, hypermobile fingers, a time limit and no distractions (therefore adhd brain completely distracted). This has been our progression over the past two weeks: 1. I notice he is enjoying the new Colourblocks episodes on CBeebies. Discussion on how printers use Magenta, Cyan, Yellow & Black Ink to make all other colours (printing a colour thesaurus from Twinkl to illustrate, leading to discussion on the names of colours, tints, tones, shades etc). 2. I buy and leave available paints, brushes, sponges, paper. 3. I build my own Lego set in view of him (Van Gogh Starry Night). Leads to discussion on layers of colours, 3D vs 2D forms, discussion on Van Gogh himself (including how to pronounce his name…introducing the concept of different languages with different accents and pronunciations). 4. I source some information on Van Gogh (Twinkl is my go to) to make a display. I also source a series on abstract artists to change things up weekly. There are questions to think about if he chooses to, plus answer prompts to help out, if he chooses. 5. Using the new resources, I sit and make a sunflower painting based on one of the activity sheets. He chooses to demonstrate he can remember how to mix brown (orange and black) and paints a poo. He then writes the name of a baddie character from Wild Kratts while talking about the various animals in the episodes. (Note: this demonstrates why photos and samples are not necessary because the photo could be provided and there’s no way to say if I or my child made that particular piece of work!). 6. I will also set up a whole floor map of the world and spend an hour or so googling where all his wooden toy animals come from, printing a list for us to then make a game with together, potentially leading onto further animal studies. This is all unschooling; my child still chooses whether to participate or not…but unless I’d bought the Lego and paint, he wouldn’t have had the opportunity to know Van Gogh existed and that he actually really liked the painting (unless a gamer developed something on it). Similarly we’ve just had the best part of 3 weeks doing spies, detectives and secret agents because I purchased an online escape room over Christmas that was spy themed. I purchased one that was digital because paper based is almost always immediately rejected. I introduced Morse code, secret codes, fingerprinting. I also sourced a book series (Secret Agent Jack Stalwart) and he’s therefore read 18 chapter books in about as many days. This has sparked an interest in reading general adventure type stories and he’s read 10 chapters since yesterday evening of a book for older children. This time last year he was just starting to enjoy graphic novels after not enjoying reading for a year because of forced reading at school. This particular book is already prompting interest in Egypt so I will spend time over the next couple of days preparing some similar resources to strew. Twinkl Lapbooks are a good method for us; just enough information without being too teachy. So, unschooling isn’t the easy option by any means as you are constantly watching your child to find ways to interact with them and help promote their interests/needs. I hope that helps some people understand what unschooling involves and how to actually provide a suitable education and describe it in your provision. -One of our Facebook group members


Is your child dreading going back to school? Are they scared or anxious? Does school not meet their needs? Did they not get a place at a decent school? Are they not ready? (Remember compulsory age to be in receipt of education is the term after their 5th birthday until the June in the school year they turn 16). Or do you just not want to utilise school? You don’t actually need a reason to home educate, except that you want to. Remember in the UK it’s home education NOT home schooling (they’re completely different things). Home education looks different for every family, and indeed for each child within that family. You can be structured or not, child led etc. You never have to create school at home, for most home educators they find flexibility and the child’s input to be valuable. You don’t have to be a teacher, or highly qualified, as you won’t be teaching, you’ll be guiding. You’re there to provide what your child needs and if they are learning about otters then you Google resources and YouTube videos and learn together. If they’re doing quadratic equations and needs help beyond the website or workbook they’re using then you can reach out to home edders for resource ideas, or utilise a tutor if you want. Home educating allows opportunity to meet a wide array of people every day. At home ed group, social meets, friend gatherings and outings, plus the usual extras like brownies, gymnastics or even golf. You, the parent are responsible for the provision, and whilst that also includes the cost of everything, you’ll find our fb page and admin happy to help. You can still work and home educate, as education takes place at any time in many forms, you can use a child minder, or leave older children to sleep in, or do independent study. There are ways to make it work. It is possible to sit GCSEs in many subjects, go to college and university. If your child is registered at a school then you need to follow the correct deregistration process, all of which is detailed on our website. In most cases you do not need permission. Local authorities have no duty to monitor or assess, though they can check in and ask for an update. Remember home education doesn’t have to be forever. Our website has everything you need. Or ask us below


Its always good to read how other families approach Home Educating and socialising. https://educationalfreedom.org.uk/home-education-and-socialisation/


DON'T PANIC!! One of things we have noticed is theres a lot worry about what would happen if the LA decided your report didn't provide enough information. This does not mean that your child will be sent straight to school. There is a process and we can help you! Click on and check out the wonderful flow diagram to see the LA process! More information can be found on our website where we also have specialised areas for Scotland as well as England & Wales #homeedmum #homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationrocks #homeeducationlife #homeedideas #homeedLA #homeeducationadventure #homelearning #learningathome #EducationalFreedom #homeeducator #homeeducationuk #homeeducation #homeeducating #homeedfamily #homeeddad


Where’s all the veteran home edders? Would you like to share your words of wisdom with the newbies? We would love you to come and join in and make yourself known!


We are SUPER excited to have the last part of our redesign finalised and in stock. Our home education and young person cards are back in stock and better than ever. Made from recycled plastic, a strip to write your details on, and a quote on the reverse explaining the home education legalities. Head to our shop and know you’re supporting us to support you for free.


Do you have a structure or timetable for your home education? Many do, and many don’t. Whatever you do is ok, as long as the education is suitable to each child. #homeeducation #homeeducators #homeed #homeeducator #homeeducationuk #educationalfreedom


Never miss out on the important and the fun home ed stuff. Sign up to our newsletter and we’ll send you a monthly update on all things home ed. You can even be part of it and submit something to be shared.


The children not in school register plans on including home educated children. You need to help stop this. Share our research with your MP and ask them to support us but not supporting the CNiS register, or at least to argue that home ed kids should not be on it. To share our research, head to the comments for the details (if you’re viewing this in one of our groups, you should be able to click on the post to head to the public version with the link).


Good Afternoon all! Hope you're having a lovely day - rains stopped and suns out wahoo!! Do please take the time (30 seconds) to pop over to our website and join our newsletter! It will keep you updated on home education, what we're doing and saying to the LA's and more! https://educationalfreedom.org.uk/ Simple head to our contact page now!


What books do your children read which featured home educated children? We recently tried The Homeschool Detectives and loved it!#homeedplanning #learningfromhome #homeeducate #homeeducationlife #homeeducationrocks #homeedideas #homeedLA #homeeducationadventure #learningathome #homelearning #EducationalFreedom #homeeducationideas #homeeducating #homeeducationuk #homeeducation


I saw a wonderful post on facebook this week that reminded us that after this weekend we wont see the sun after 7pm till March 25th! The spinning of the world is hugely fascinating and today of course is the Autumn Equinox - Greenwich have a wonderfully interesting resource here on it -


Feedback from you...

'A massive thankyou Im so grateful for this resource. Im currently crying with relief! Early days for myself and my daughter but this website has already been invaluable 🙏' - Joanne
'thank you so much for your advice x' - Lisa
'Thank you for all your hard work. x'
'Thank you for your invaluable support,Cheryl!' - Cosmin
'Always looking to help others who want to better them selves.' - Dean
'Always excellent information. I couldn't do without it' - Sharmen
'thank you for the hard work and dedication you put in this website1 it's amazing!' - Mioara
'I've just written my first annual report and couldn't have done it confidently without you. Thank you for all your hard work.' - Bethany
'Absolutely amazing support. We, as a family, can't thank you enough for all of your help! Home Education has been the best decision, we have ever made. Thank you so much, for everything. xxx' - Sammie
'thank you so much!! what great infomation!' - Michelle
'thank you for giving me hope to help my son.' - Bernice
'You guys are amazing and so supportive! A big thank you for everything you do xx' - Suzy
'just thank you.' - Kate
'A great website and information for those thinking about home educating. great guidance and advice and reassurance. starting in september and has really helped me to understand the requirements in terms of and what is expected by the LA and how to get started.'
'Thank you so much for such an informative website! It has helped so much when explaining to family members and getting them onboard. As well as giving me confidence that I know what I'm doing and home education is the right choice for my family!' - Bethany
'Your site has been the go to website for me and my Home Ed family. The information you provide has given me confidence in dealing with authorities. I would never have used the deschool method and we've had our best learning times when deschooling love it. Thankyou and more donations (via the buy me a coffee link) to come 😆' - Michelle
'Thanks for all your info. I'm about to take the plunge with my two, feeling a bit nervous but excited and quite the maverick, thanks for the support!' - Laura
'Thank you so much for all your hard work keeping the website up-to-date, and all your email support.' - Lara
'Just stared HomeEd and your website and resources have been a huge help!' - Cass
'Thank you for all your hard work!'
'Ive not needed your support as yet but know youre doing amazing stuff for so many. Thank you 😊'
'great source of guidance and information. thank you'
'Always so very informative and responsive with any support I've needed. Thank you so much. Such a fantastic service you provide home educators.' - Lucy
'This information is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.' - Julie
'Thanks so much for all this wonderful info. I can't donate much but will do what I can when I can.' - Sam
'I just want you to know i really appreciate all your suport and patience with me being a bit blonde and irish lol also some aren't in a place where they can donate so this is from them also xxxxx'
'guys i appreciate you all so very much .i know sometimes u must get peeped of with my lack of knowledge but if it wasnt for you all i think alot of us would panic more and give up out of fear .you all are a credit to ehe families thank you so very much for all your help and support'.
'You're doing brilliant work!' - Daniela
'Thanks for your help' - Valentina
'thankyou for all your advice x'
'Keep up the good work. It is much appreciated ❤️🙏❤️' - Debbie
'I really appreciate the invaluable information you provide and everything you do for everyone! Thank you!'
'Thank you so much for all you do! Your advice is priceless. x' - Deb
'I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for the resources on your website. It took the stress out of deregistering and was amazing for helping me write my first report. Thank you! x' - Danielle
'Thank you for this information and the help you provide! ☺️'
'Thank you for the guidance and information to empower us' - Sasha
'Thank you for all superb information and patience with all of us. This leads us to better and brighter future. 💖🙏'
'Thank you for this information and the help you provide! ☺️'
'Just want to say a( BIG ) Thank you for all your support'. - Tallulah
'I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for the resources on your website. It took the stress out of deregistering and was amazing for helping me write my first report. Thank you! x' - Danielle
'Your information has been invaluable on getting starting us on our journey of home ed.' - Chloe

Educational Freedom

How are we different?


We have many decades of hands on Home Education experience between us and many years as a professional support service.
Our team is made up of people from all walks of life, and all styles of Home Education.


We never have, nor will we ever, charge Home Educators a fee to access our website, personal support or anything else.
However, we do have costs such as web hosting, so feel free to donate.

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Our aim is that our website contains everything you should need to know.

Beyond that we have a Facebook Page where you can connect with other Home Educators and our amazing admin team. We also have the option to contact us, for those times where you don’t have Facebook.

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 All rights reserved.

Staffordshire website design and website SEO by Fellowship Studios.

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