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The LA are refusing to deregister from special school

If you are in England and have followed our deregistration process most people won’t have any issues, however some LAs do not like to follow correct procedure.

Follow our deregistration sample, detailing as much as possible about how you will provide a suitable education and how you will meet the child’s needs. 

If the LA refuse, then quote the following (from the EHE guidance) to them and ask them to detail specifically which areas of the Home Education do they feel will not be suitable:
‘8.6 If a school already attended by a child is a special school and the child is attending it under arrangements made by the local authority, the local authority’s consent is necessary for the child’s name to be removed from the admission register, but this should not be a lengthy or complex process and consent must not be withheld unreasonably. If the child is to be withdrawn to be educated at home then the local authority, in deciding whether to give consent, should consider whether the home education to be provided would meet the special educational needs of the child, and if it would, should give consent. However, that consideration should take into account the additional difficulties of providing education at home to a child whose special educational needs are significant enough to warrant a place at a special school’

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