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Have they thought this through?

As the wording currently stands museums, swimming lessons, cadets, religious groups could all be in scope of needing to provide information.

I have been through the childrens unhappiness Bill (as nicknamed by me) but known by the Government and officially as the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, more times than I ever expected to read a bill that has not even had its “second reading”.

I am unclear if the drafters did not understand home education and the rich diverse experiences it offers children. If the drafters are trying to remove educational opportunities available to home educated children. That would seem counter-intuitive to the name of the bill. Could it be the drafters failed to consider how many different providers, and experiences a home educated child might attend in a given week.

It might be the drafters have never heard of parent co-ops. It might be the drafters do not realise within the home education community a parent may lead on a group booking. But they are not a business, they are just another home educating parent securing the numbers so their child can enjoy the educational experience alongside their friends and other local home educated children. They would not hold details beyond how many adults and children’s places are required.

It might be the drafters do not realise home education does not, nor should it follow the same hours as school. An activity child A from School A attends on a Saturday. Child C who is home educated also attends on a Saturday, but with child C the activity is part of their holistic full-time home education. So does this activity service only report on child C. If yes, this extra burden of reporting simply because the child is home educated will either lead to an increase in cost. Potentially pricing child C’s family out of that opportunity. It could lead to the activity withdrawing the opportunity from child C because of the additional administrative burden of them attending. How would this assist child C wellbeing, or lead to better educational outcomes.

I realise the plan is to make regulations after the fact to narrow the scope. That does not assist those running activities. That does not assist the home educated child to know if their activities will still be available to them. That does not assist the parent just carrying out their parental responsibility in ensuring their child has a full-time efficient education suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and SEN.

Michelle Zaher 28/12/24

Educational Freedom

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