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What to do first in Scotland

Everything you need to know when you are thinking about Home Educating, or you have just started to Home Educate.

Please read through all of our website to ensure you are fully armed with all of the knowledge you need.

Don't Panic

It can be scary… but knowledge is power, and we are here to share that knowledge.

Making the decision to Home Educate can be daunting, but be assured that there is plenty of support out there!

Here’s our step by step guide on what to do:


We know there is a lot to read, but make sure you have read all of this page then look through the menu for all of our other important info:
Including the FAQ
Dealing with the LA
Home Ed styles
Stories from Home Educators
Terminology you may be new to.
And more

Then join your local Facebook group search for ‘Home Education your town’.

PLEASE READ THROUGH THE WHOLE SITE, it will ensure you know your legal duty, that of the LA and loads more helpful info.

We would like to point out that making the choice to Home Educate can be made at any time, it also doesn’t have to be a ‘forever’ decision.

Don't forget to come join our national Facebook group, it's a diverse place, people from all around the UK. Some still considering home education, some just starting out, and lots of families with many years experience. We are a friendly and supportive group with an amazing team of admin.
Keep reading through this page, then head to the menu.

The first thoughts

You may have no idea what to do first, throughout our website we try to explain everything you need to know.

Once you have made your decision to Home Educate, legally you need to withdraw from school (the term deregister is used in England and Wales).

Make sure you check the process for withdrawal (see the menu) as it is different between UK countries.

If your child has never been to school then there’s no requirement (or benefit) to inform the LA.

You could have planned to Home Educate before the children were born, it could be a decision made when deciding on a school, or as a last resort due to bullying, or special needs not being met. Sometimes the school system just isn’t right for you or your child, and sometimes families choose to Home Educate because they like the idea of it. There is no right or wrong reason. It is a legal option, and one we can take at any time.

You should find everything you need to know on the site, if in doubt you're welcome to contact us.

Whilst legally, the education must be suitable from day one, this does not mean recreating school at home, many children need time to recover from school and to settle in, to find their way of learning etc. Our styles section explains more.

Now, this may seem pedantic, but terminology is important. In the UK the correct term is Home Education rather than Home Schooling. This is because Home Schooling happens when the child is still registered at school but receives an education at home via school/LA due to being ill or suspended for example. The correct terminology affects your searches for groups and resources as well as the response from professionals and others.

Your questions answered.

Read our FAQ for answers to all of your questions.

Withdrawal from school info and letters.

How to withdraw from school.
(In rhe rest of the UK this is referred to as deregistration.)
Styles of home education

Home Education Styles.

What should Home Education look like?

Home Educators are not expected to follow the curriculum, or to follow a school timetable, and Home Education quite often looks nothing like school.

Here we explain more about home ed styles and the real nitty gritty of the day to day stuff.

Dealing with the LA.

Whilst the legal stuff might seem daunting or unnecessary, we strongly urge you to read this section. Unfortunately not all LAs act within the law. Knowing the legal stuff will protect you.
Read our recommendations on how to communicate with your Local Authority, which for the most part means keeping communication in writing and choosing not to meet the LA.
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 All rights reserved.

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home education NEWSLETTER

Keep up to date with home ed news, important info and some fun stuff.

If you are a Local Authority and would like to sign up to our LA newsletter please contact us.