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What is flexischooling?

Flexischooling in the UK is not a legal right, but some schools do offer this option. You will need to discuss this with your school, and the decision lays with the headteacher on whether to allow it.

Your child will be registered as a full-time student but will not attend the school for the full-time hours. Some of their education will take place off site – often at home.

This is an arrangement that can work well for children with illnesses, or with school phobia, where parents wish to have more input into the childs education, or where the family would prefer the child not to attend full-time until they are older. Whatever the reason you are expected, by law, to ensure your child receives a full-time education.

It’s a good idea to make contact with other families that Flexi-school. We recommend the following Facebook group as a starting point:
Flexischooling Families UK

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