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Consent to Deregister from Special School in Wales

It is important to remember that the process to deregister from special school requires agreement from the LA.

  • You NEED the LA to agree to deregister from special school, you can not just stop sending your child.

  • This is not needed if the child is in mainstream even if they have ALN/SEN please follow the standard deregistration process.

  • You are expected to write to the school who will forward your letter to the LA

  • It is recommended that in the letter you describe how Home Education will cater for their special needs. Referring to any ALN/SEN plans in place and how you will meet their needs is helpful. You are likely to need to go into quite a bit of detail, this is because LAs have a duty to provide for any special needs that you can not, such as SALT or Occupational Therapy.

  • Your child must continue to attend until consent is given to deregister, if your child is too ill to attend then we advise you seek a doctors note.

  • You are not likely to continue to receive support such as a laptop, or other aids, you will become financially responsible for your child’s education.

  • Depending on your child’s needs, it can be possible to be allocated a personal budget through the LA, this is usually only done if the LA agree there are no suitable school places available.

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