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How to ask for assessment and diagnosis for Home Educators

If you believe your child is autistic, has ADHD, dyslexia, or anything else that you want an assessment for, the process will vary depending on your area.

Your first call should be to the school nurse team (the deal with Home Educated children too), they will be able to tell you if they can do the referral or whether you need to speak with your GP.

It will help if you go with a written list of reasons and behaviours that make you think your child may be autistic, ADHD etc.

With adequate information they can not refuse to refer you. They definitely can not refuse to refer you because you Home Educate.

Once referred.

The consultant, CAMHS etc. should carry out the assessment in the same way a schooled child would be assessed. Some families are told they will not carry out an assessment unless the child is in school. This is incorrect and you should remind them that they have a duty to all children. They could claim that they can not assess due to no input from school, they say this from ignorance, in place of school input you should suggest they accept information from another adult involved with the child. This could be a scout leader, play group leader, another Home Educator, a neighbour or a relative. You could also ask that they consider using some of the assessments allotted hours to have the OT, SALT etc. carry out an assessment at Home Ed group, another group or even in the Home. The key is ensuring they have enough information beyond what they see and what you tell them, it helps give a fuller picture of the child.

If you run into any issues that the above does not resolve then please do CONTACT US.

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